The first version of MultiChain, in production since 2017

Note: This page has been kept for MultiChain 1.0 – downloads for MultiChain 2 are now available.

System requirements

  • Linux: 64-bit, supports Ubuntu 12.04+, CentOS 6.2+, Debian 7+, Fedora 15+, RHEL 6.2+.
  • Windows: 64-bit, supports Windows 7, 8, 10, Server 2008 or later.
  • Mac: 64-bit, supports OS X 10.11 or later.
  • 512 MB of RAM
  • 1 GB of disk space

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Installing MultiChain 1.0 on Linux

su (enter root password)

cd /tmp
tar -xvzf multichain-1.0.9.tar.gz
cd multichain-1.0.9
mv multichaind multichain-cli multichain-util /usr/local/bin
(to make easily accessible on the command line)

exit (to return to your regular user)

You can also use this link to the latest release of MultiChain 1.0.x, instead of the URL above. The link is updated shortly after each release.

Installing MultiChain 1.0 on Windows

Download and extract its contents to your chosen directory.

Compiling 1.0 from sources

If you prefer, you can also compile MultiChain 1.0.x for Ubuntu Linux, Windows or Mac OS X from the source code at Github.

Version 1.0 developer documentation

Below are links to several pages of developer documentation which have been preserved for version 1.0:

Version 1.0 release history

Each release is listed below. The list of changes can be seen in the README.txt file of the most recent version.