Tx order in a block and about "settxfee"

+1 vote

1. If there is a lot of transactions in the memory pool, what is the order in which transactions are stored in blocks in Multichain? For example, will transactions be placed first in blocks in the order of the highest transaction fee or tx time?

2. Does "settxfee" command need to be set up before sending transactions, such as money transfer, in my wallet?


Thank you Multichain



asked Sep 21, 2017 by Ilhun

1 Answer

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Best answer

1. In MultiChain we modified the behavior of miners to preserve the order of transactions, as they were first seen by the node. So there is no preference given to higher fee transactions.

2. You don't need to call settxfee explicitly – MultiChain automatically adds the necessary fees to transactions, based on their size.

answered Sep 23, 2017 by MultiChain
selected Sep 25, 2017 by Ilhun
So, is it right to assume that the transactions in the memory pool are loaded into the blocks in the order they arrived?

If a block exceeds the number of transitions that it can accommodate, in what order is it included?

Thank you, Multichain.
Yes, that's how MultiChain function. If there are too many transactions for the next block, that's fine - as many as possible are included, and then the rest are included in the next block, and so on.