Multichain Explorer: Monitor more chains

+1 vote


i'm new of forum. I have configured Multichain and Multichain Explorer to monitor one chain. I have read on multichain git website that Currently it is not recommended to configure multiple chains in one config file as the search function does not search across chains for an address.

So, if i want to monitor multiple chains without search function, is it possible? how?

Thank you, Davide

asked Jul 18, 2016 by Davide

1 Answer

0 votes

You can set up multiple instances of the Explorer, using a different .conf file for each one, and then run all of them simultaneously using the regular instructions, on a single server. You'll need to set up different ports for each one to accept incoming HTTP connections.

answered Jul 19, 2016 by MultiChain
So, it isn't possible to configure one instance of Explorer to view and monitor all chains of single Multichain instance, right?
Thank you, Davide
Not currently, I'm afraid not.