Create a System using MultiChan

+1 vote
If I already have a traditional CRM RMDBS storing some games or gifts point, can use to play different vendor's online game or buy online shop products, is it easy to use MultiChain to make my points get the BlockChain features?
asked Apr 16, 2018 by little7tiger

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
It's not really possible to add "blockchain features" to an existing database in this way. Instead, you would need to decide whether to transition your points system to a blockchain (running on MultiChain) or not. The advantage is that the points system could then be controlled in a shared and peer-to-peer way between multiple parties, rather than being under your central control.
answered Apr 17, 2018 by MultiChain
selected Apr 19, 2018 by little7tiger
If I  do that,just use asset or need to use the currency parameter = true?
don't need to use other functions "Atomic Exchange", "streams" is OK?
I also want to know that if I just enabled  native currencies on my private chain,
should I need to use POW and every node need to open mine = true parameter ?
If you have a native currency, you don't necessarily need to use proof-of-work mining. A native currency can serve other purposes, such as creating a certain scarcity for sending transactions.