+1 vote
Sometimes node must be started with rescan param, because it didn't work properly, If the rescan started with first block, it  lasts hours. The problems normally are in the last blocks, so is it possible to integrate a start block param for rescan?
asked Jul 6, 2022 by PADline GmbH
Could you please explain the problem you are seeing, what you mean by "it didn't work properly". A rescan should never be required with normal usage.

1 Answer

0 votes
I've discussed this with the tech team. It is not such a good idea to allow a rescan from a specific block, because of various parts of the wallet state that must be synchronized properly.

Again, we would like to understand the problem you are seeing and its causes, since a rescan should never be necessary with normal usage.

In the meantime one suggested workaround, if the issue is with a specific stream, is to unsubscribe from that stream and then resubscribe to it. This should be faster than a full rescan of everything in the blockchain.
answered Jul 7, 2022 by MultiChain