Stream confidentiality can't get the txid and the vout

+1 vote

Hello, I'm doing the Stream confidentiality tutorial and halfway I had this command:

multichain-cli chain1 liststreampublisheritems pubkeys 1KjHqTbB5xJHDopiPwW4mqVfNJwJxDRMpdGHEG true 1

Seems from the tutorial that I ought to get a txid and a vout but nothing shows, just got a couple of square parenthesis:

root@86b6f9575e04:/# multichain-cli chain1 liststreampublisheritems pubkeys 1KjHqTbB5xJHDopiPwW4mqVfNJwJxDRMpdGHEG true 1


Where I can found the txid and vout ?




asked May 8, 2017 by

1 Answer

0 votes

That's what you would see if there are no items on the stream from that publisher. You might want to try liststreamitems first to see what is actually in the stream.

answered May 8, 2017 by MultiChain