How long does it take to propagate permissions and why?

+2 votes
How long does it take to propagate permissions and why?
asked Mar 10, 2016 by SlobodanMargetic

1 Answer

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The usual transaction propagation time, one or a few seconds, depending on how densely connected your network is, and the geographical distances.
answered Mar 10, 2016 by MultiChain
we have had cases where it takes up to 15 min for a node to get issue permission with a setup where we have virtual 3 servers with a single node on each. Have you faced similar problems and do you have any suggestion as to what we might be doing wrong to get this problem.
This is certainly not the intended behavior. A few things to check:

a) Are the nodes connected to each other (use getpeerinfo)

b) Has the transaction in which the permission was issued propagated (use getrawtransaction)

c) Is there some kind of delay due to pending consensus - use listpermissions with verbose=true