update to MultiChain 2.0

+1 vote
If I create a MultiChain1.0 system, can we update to MultiChain2.0 at the future completely?

any new function in MultiChain2.0 can directly extend to use without recreate new chain??

just like hard fork?
asked Apr 23, 2018 by little7tiger

1 Answer

+1 vote
Yes, the upgrade path from MultiChain 1.0 to 2.0 will be very smooth. First, MultiChain 2.0 will continue supporting a chain created in 1.0, without that chain's protocol being upgraded. Second, you'll have the option of upgrading the chain's protocol, once all the nodes are running MultiChain 2.0, using the built-in upgrade mechanism (which works just like a hard fork). And finally there is complete API stability, with a small number of exceptions explained in the "Incompatible API changes" section here:

answered Apr 24, 2018 by MultiChain