Web Demo on AWS

+2 votes
Hi all,


Does anyone have experience with the web demo on an AWS?

I am not talking about hosting a php website on AWS, that is easy.


But I want multiple people being able to use the web demo via an url instead of having them install the web demo seperately. Is it possible to host on AWS and then have a login screen where they use their own address to login? Locally the web demo is configured with just 1 node, but I want people to be able to connect their node to the AWS demo.


Anyone expereince with this?


asked Apr 23, 2018 by silox

1 Answer

0 votes
There's no reason why this can't work – you would just need to modify the Web Demo code to allow multiple users, each of whom authenticates separately. Right not this functionality is not built in.
answered Apr 24, 2018 by MultiChain
And is seperate authentication supported?
It is supported in the sense that you can modify the PHP code of the Web Demo to make it happen.