Web Demo Error: HTTP 0

+2 votes
Hi all,


Im trying to connect the webdemo to my main node. I currenty have the following config:




When I start the node it says connect to multichaind chain1@

Params.dat mentions 4252 as default rpc port.

But Im still getting the error when statrting the web demo and I cant find and logs or clearer issues.


Is it also correct that every time that I start the node the ip of the node changes? Does that mean I have the reconnect every node every time I start it again? That doesnt seem likely.


Can anyone help me fix this issue?


asked Apr 17, 2018 by silox
edited Apr 18, 2018 by silox

2 Answers

+1 vote
port opened by multichain are 2.

you can find the port numbers on file params.dat are stored into your chain dir and see the two lines:

default-network-port = 4765             # Default TCP/IP port for peer-to-peer $
default-rpc-port = 4764                 # Default TCP/IP port for incoming JSON$

maybe you must open the port on firewall ( default-rpc-port = 4764)
answered Apr 17, 2018 by elpapais
I have the correct port, that shouldn't be the issue. And since its on an internal network and on my local machine, the firewall also doesn't pose any issues
if the chain start whitout errors is the firewal. if you have a linux O.S. and you call network address you must open a port, else call (locall address).
on my server's work so.
you write: Is it also correct that every time that I start the node the ip of the node changes? yes if you don't have a fixed ip configured... the machine take ip from DHCP server.
0 votes

If you're connect locally from the Web Demo to multichaind, you should use (loopback address) as the rpchost instead of the server's global IP address.

In any event, you can't set the rpcallowip in the Web Demo configuration because this is a multichaind setting. It needs to be set in multichain.conf.

answered Apr 19, 2018 by MultiChain