"insufficient priority" error messaage

+2 votes

I'm practicing "Atomic Exchange".



At this point, "sendrawtransaction [paste-longer-hex-blob]", an error message which is "insufficient priority" is generated.


error code: -26
error message:
66: insufficient priority


I think it is caused by fee. I used "sendrawtransaction [hex-blob] true"

For your reference, I set the minimum-relay-fee to 10000.

So, how could I solve this error?


Thank you, Multichain.




asked Apr 16, 2018 by enics

1 Answer

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Best answer

If transactions require a fee in your blockchain, then you need to take account of this when generating those transactions. In the case of an atomic exchange, this means that one or both of the participants must cover the fee. They can achieve this by adding in some quantity of the native currency when calling preparelockunspentfrom, e.g.:

preparelockunspentfrom 1... '{"JPY":10500, "":0.001}'

In the example above the empty asset name ("") is used to denote a quantity of the native currency.

As to the exact amount of native currency to add to cover the fee, you'll have to calculate this based on minimum-relay-fee and the expected size of the final transaction, which you can learn from previous examples.

answered Apr 17, 2018 by MultiChain