Possible to customize recipients of mining transaction fee?

+2 votes

I understand multichain supports collecting transaction fees as incentive for miners (same as Bitcoin/Ethereum). Would it be possible to modify/extend multichain to customize this logic to also collect an additional transaction fee to be transferred to specific wallet addresses? Or to split the collected fee between the miner and someone else? Sort of like a tax/fee paid to a central authority?

asked Apr 8, 2018 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
MultiChain could certainly be extended in this way, but it would currently require modification of the source code in order to do it. Look out for the filters feature coming in MultiChain 2.0, which also might provide this as a possibility (we can't be certain yet since the fee is not an explicit transaction field, but we're hoping we can provide a solution here).
answered Apr 9, 2018 by MultiChain