Bitcoin-like chain

+1 vote
Just out of curiosity, is it possible to create with multichain a chain almost exactly as bitcoin's, having the same exactly address format, BUT with different genesis block and ports? If so, would public/private keys be good for both chains?
asked Feb 11, 2016 by off-bank

1 Answer

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Yes, absolutely - see the instructions here.

answered Feb 11, 2016 by MultiChain
selected Feb 11, 2016 by off-bank
I followed the steps, but it seems there's something wrong: in a 2 node blockchain, both nodes are mining at the same time, like they are mining the same block. I.e. in 500 blocks, there was 25000 units for one and 25000 units for the other one (rewards standard 50 per block). If the second one was stopped, it would return with zero balance. It didn't request permissions from node 1 to node 2 to mine, but probably that's normal in a bitcoin-type blockchain
Are you sure these node were connected to each other? If not each was just mining a separate blockchain. Use getpeerinfo to find out.
Yes, they were connected to each other. Another interesting thing is that they were mining a new block every second or so, not respecting the 600s I had set in the config. Anyway, trying the same setup as "multichain" instead of "bitcoin" works fine; however I didn't try connecting a btc wallet to that chain yet.