How to impose a standard minimum transaction fee irrespective of transaction size?

+1 vote

We have a use-case in which each user pays 'n' units of transaction fee for each transaction irrespective of the size of transaction. Since the mining nodes will be managed by regulators, the transaction fees are ultimately earned by the regulators. But if we use the relay fee, the user will be charged per KB, which will not be a fixed charge for all transactions. Using minimum-per-output instead of relay fee does not guarantee that the native currency used in the transaction will be sent to the regulator's addresses. How do we solve this?

asked Feb 6, 2018 by Cypher

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
This would require a modification to the MultiChain source code, either adding a general parameter, or else hard-coding the extra rule in your case.
answered Feb 7, 2018 by MultiChain
selected May 29, 2019 by Cypher
Thanks. Can you please provide me the list of files and functions where changes need to be made?
I'm afraid we only provide support for modifying the source code on a commercial basis. Please contact us if relevant.