Right cli string to publish from imported address w/o private key

+1 vote

Hi team, follow docs on page https://www.multichain.com/developers/external-key-management/

I've successfully done address creating and importing it to the hot node with "false" option.

On the next step I need publish data to the stream, as it described in section "Publishing from the address"

Generated example command on page don't look right, in my case it's for stream MyStream:
createrawsendfrom 1HTJb7kPQXdQm6kygY6kYQiLAZqUGaivPoZz6N '{}' '[{"for":"MyStream","key":"key0","data":"45787465726e616c20697320736166657374"}]' 

I'm recieving different errors when trying adjust string, but in any cases smth wrong.

Help on cli don't describe "for" parameter.

Could you please check cli works to publish data to stream using createrawsendfrom and give right string example.

asked Dec 1, 2017 by dm128
Additionally found problem when I set Label to new node.
Return old fixed error:
"No unspent outputs are available. Please send a transaction, with zero amount, to this node or address first and wait for its confirmation."
Also found ovelal trouble with permissions. Some role was granted from one node but target address don't see new permission.
multichain-cli MyStream publishfrom "1EKoYCJbos3hqR1CbsbBo6Rux63U7PuspJcJYL" root "123" 48656C6C6F55576F726C64210A

error code: -716
error message:
No unspent outputs are available. Please send a transaction, with zero amount, to this node or address first and wait for its confirmation.

1 Answer

+1 vote

Based on what you wrote, the problem is that you used importaddress with rescan=false. This means the blockchain is not scanned for previous transactions involving this address, and the result is that the node does not know about the unspent transaction outputs that would be used to build a transaction. You can stop the node and then restart it with the -rescan runtime parameter to fix this.

answered Dec 1, 2017 by MultiChain
There is another reason to recive "No unspent outputs are available" error. One of scenarious required revoke send right from the node. This node send tx to the root stream and immideatelly after that send to the node with admin rights message for send right revocation. Revocation applied to the admin node before sincronize to nodes and transaction becomes orthaned.
Whats's correct way to resolve same situation? Only return permission to send don't success.