Multichain Stream confidentiality in web demo

+2 votes

Hi ,

Most of the clients asking for Stream confidentiality. but the process described in below url will be very difficult for the clients.

could you please let me know 

1. If there any plans to  introduce Stream confidentiality in Web-Demo.

2. Is it possible to give permission to the node based on Streams rather than BlockChain.


Thank you

Srivatsa Kashyap

asked Nov 7, 2017 by skashyap007

1 Answer

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Best answer

I'm afraid we don't have any immediate plans to implement the stream confidentiality pattern in the Web Demo – sorry about that.

In terms of node permissions for streams, you can control write (and admin) permissions for a stream on a per-address basis, but not read permissions – because read permissions would not make sense considering that all the stream data is stored on the system's disk as part of the blockchain.

answered Nov 7, 2017 by MultiChain
selected Nov 7, 2017 by skashyap007