Multichain explorer is showing wrong balance for main wallet

+1 vote
Hello all!

I have an issue with the multichain explorer.  I have re-installed the multichain explorer twice, and have it on 2 different VPS servers to confirm that the problem is not in the installation to the multichain explorer.

We issued 100,000,000 million assets to this address: 1NR6eYpdGunZ45qydVMUZmSvEcmT1A6HQWYgpL

Since then we have sent dispersed approximately 55 million tokens to various addresses.  

When we log into the node directly it shows that address above has a total balance of around ~45 million.  Great, that is expected.  Please see image below to confirm:

The problem is that the Multichain Web Explorer shows a different value for this address.  It shows ~ 95 million.  Please visit the multichain explorer to see:


My guess is one of two problems:

- Bug in Multichain Explorer


- My understanding of how issuing and dispersing coins is wrong.


Can anyone shed some light on this please? Any insight is appreciated!

asked Sep 21, 2017 by jward01
edited Sep 21, 2017 by jward01
Did you find the solution?

1 Answer

+1 vote
I have come across this error in the past. It happens wben local files have not caught up with the transaction on the Explorer. Or somehow that explorer becomes corrupt for some strange reason.

Search across the board for corrupted files and Block explorer.

I saw that answer recently :-)  mybe someone else can shed light on it.
answered Oct 15, 2017 by muslimsoap