Insufficient Balance

+2 votes

I get Insufficient funds when trying to send to this address, where is funds available  in the sender account.

Sender Balance

        "name" : "AbcCoin",
        "assetref" : null,
        "qty" : 500.00000000

I have checked and both Sender and Receiver has Send and Receive permissions.

What could be the issue?
asked Jan 27, 2017 by rahulkumargr

1 Answer

+1 vote

The asset issuance transaction has not been confirmed yet (thus the null assetref) so necessarily this balance is also unconfirmed. I'm guessing this is because mining has stopped. That's why the balance can't be sent elsewhere. So the issue is to determine why mining has stopped. It could be because mining-requires-peers=true in the blockchain parameters, and multiple addresses have been granted mine permissions, but no other nodes are connected to this one.

answered Jan 27, 2017 by MultiChain
Asset Ref is null for Asset Transfer Transaction