How to conect my wordpress site to multichain blockchain that I am running?

+1 vote

I am a beginner with Multichain. I would like to know how I can connect my wordpress site to the blockchain so that users of the website can send/receive transactions, as well as view the data streams and the blockchain. Thanks for the help.
asked Jan 23, 2017 by abhinavramesh12

1 Answer

0 votes
In terms of viewing the data streams and blockchain, I would recommend starting with the MultiChain Explorer (linked below) which you can easily embed in an iframe inside your website:

In terms of sending/receiving transactions, you would need to decide who holds the private keys (you or your users directly) and then build the appropriate application. There is nothing off-the-shelf for this at the moment. The Web Demo we have (linked below) is not designed for multiple users with different keys.
answered Jan 26, 2017 by MultiChain
Hi, Thanks for the answer! I will look at developing a custom application for these user roles. I have installed and started the web demo. My web demo is on the same server as my node. I have two nodes that are connected and sending/receiving transactions from each other. Is there any way that I can connect to my server through my wordpress site and run certain queries such as, getwallettransactions, liststreams? I am basically looking to see how the users of my wordpress site can connect to the blockchain without knowing that they are using a blockchain.
Yes, you can write PHP code that runs within WordPress and which communicates with the node. This is exactly what's going on inside the Web Demo, so you can look at that code to see how it works.
Ok great, will look at the web-demo code.
So one cannot use the web demo for a production site?
You're welcome to use it for production if you wish to, but it does not support multiple users each with their own wallets or passwords.
So each user must be connected to their own node in order to use the wallet. Are they able to do transactions with users on other nodes?
Yes, that is the point - a blockchain uses multiple nodes which can transact with each other.