transaction valid for one user but not for the rest of the network ??

+1 vote
Dear Multichain team

I am using Multichain and I face the following problem. when I make a transaction then the node who makes the transaction says that the transaction is valid altough the other nodes say that this transaction is invalid or not existent? The nodes are all using the same interface and they do work on the same blockchain. The invalid transaction for the other nodes has also a hash in the same block as for the node who declares it as valid ??

How is this possible ??

Thank you it advance
asked Dec 15, 2016 by bakir

1 Answer

0 votes

Are you sure they are all on the same blockchain, and connected to each other? You can check the output of getpeerinfo and check they are synchronized using getinfo and looking at the blocks count.

answered Dec 16, 2016 by MultiChain