Cold Node Error: ERROR: Parameter set for blockchain chain1 is not valid.

+2 votes
I tried to run cold node and hot node on the same server, receiving an error below. This error persists even after i I copied params.dat file from ~/.multichain/chain1 to ~/.multichain-cold/chain1. Even tried to restart the hot node daemon, no luck.

multichaind-cold chain1 -daemon

MultiChain 2.0 Offline Daemon (latest protocol 20009)

Starting up node...
ERROR: Parameter set for blockchain chain1 is not valid.

The file /home/dawnbreaker/.multichain-cold/chain1/params.dat must be copied manually from an existing node into empty blockchain directory.
asked Jul 12, 2019 by Ganesh Anantwar

1 Answer

0 votes

I assume you mean, every time you tried to restart the hot node daemon.

Are you sure the hot node is not using a more recent protocol than the cold node can understand? This can happen if they are not using the same version of MultiChain, and you can update the cold node.

If that does not help, please let us know which version you are using, and post the params.dat file.

answered Jul 14, 2019 by MultiChain