How to make multiple Linux users in same server to use multichain-cli

+1 vote
Hi, I'm running a course on blockchains. I'd like to provide students SSH access to shared Linux server where they can do basic excercises with MultiChain.

I have installed MultiChain and chain1 as root. As root, everything is up and running.  For another, regular user, I copied ~/.multichain/chain1/multichain.conf , but it seems not to be enough ("couldn't connect to server" when I try e.g. getinfo). Is there a recommended way to do this?
asked Nov 24, 2016 by Mikko Valjakka

1 Answer

+1 vote

You have to add rpcport to the multichain.conf file (you can take the default-rpc-port value from the params.dat file) – without that there is no way for multichain-cli to know how to connect to multichaind because it cannot read the params.dat file directly.

answered Nov 24, 2016 by MultiChain
Thanks! I assumed that's something simple like that, but didn't have an idea what can be put to multichain.conf