Still cannot send or move assets.

0 votes
Still getting this error when I try to send assets to another address.  This has something to do with native assets and mining I think.  I am charging a small transaction fee.  I have enough for the transaction but cannot send anything.  This is from a mining full access node.  The error does not really tell me why this is failing.  How do I fix this problem?

error code: -4
error message: Transaction is too large.
asked Jul 17, 2016 by anonymous
Can you post the output of the command: listunspent 0

And also the output from: getblockchainparams

1 Answer

0 votes
Actually I am going to try and set up a new chain and tweek some parameters. Let me get back to you on this.  I think I might know what is going on.  If it happens again I will send you the listunspent 0 output.
answered Jul 18, 2016 by dtarsio
Transaction too large problems again.