Doubts about Node Clustering

+2 votes
Hi, I have several questions about node grouping at Multichain.

Reading the documentation on this topic, I understand that we must manually add the address that is generated in the main node, that also applies to transactions of the addresses? We need to import manually the transactions on the replica node?

For example; the cluster has two nodes, one main and another replica for backup if the first fails, in the event that the first node fails and the second is used as a backup, if the addresses are imported in the replica node the transactions will also be?

Another question, if I have a cluster of nodes and the main node goes down, then I must manually connect the replica node from my custom API created in PHP?

First of all, Thanks
asked May 15, 2020 by amroth23

1 Answer

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Best answer
Once an address is imported into a node, it automatically tracks all transactions relating to that address, so you don't need to manually add those transactions.

Yes, your own application code would have to change the node whose API it is connecting to.
answered May 18, 2020 by MultiChain
selected May 18, 2020 by amroth23