Can't connect two nodes on different networks

+4 votes

I'm creating a chain using multichain-util, setting a username and password in multichain.conf, and then starting the daemon using multichaind chainname -rpcallowip= -daemon.

I receive the following output:

Starting up node...

Other nodes can connect to this node using:

multichaind chainname@

Node ready.


When trying to use multichaind chainname@ -rpcport=7216 -rpcuser=multichainrpc -multichainpass=pass from another computer I receive:

Error: Couldn't connect to the seed node on port 7217 - please check multichaind is running at that address and that your firewall settings allow incoming connections.

I have tried turning firewalls off to no success. I can create two nodes and connect them successfully when they are using the same internet connection, but can't find what the problem is here.

asked Sep 14, 2018 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
It sounds like you may be trying to do this from two separate connections to the Internet. In this case, you need to configure port forwarding on your Internet router, since one computer is not directly visible to another on the Internet.
answered Sep 14, 2018 by MultiChain
Thanks for the answer, I have tried configuring port forwarding with the the IP address and port that multichaind suggests connecting to. I have then tried to connect to the blockchain from another node which is on a different network by using the first node's public IP address and suggested port.

I am still receiving an error: please check multichaind is running at that address and that your firewall settings allow incoming connections.
If you've set up port forwarding, the second node needs to connect to the public IP address of the router with that port forwarding configured, rather than the private IP address of the first node on the network created by that router.