Asset Unit Issue

+1 vote
I tried to issue an asset with 0.001 smallest unit and when I tried to transfer part of it to another address, the sender lost all of it and the receiver also didn't receive any amount as per below:

>>> client.issue(sender, {"name":'coin',"open":True}, 100, 0.001)
>>> client.listassets()
[{'multiple': 1, 'name': 'usd', 'subscribed': True, 'issueraw': 100, 'transactions': 2, 'open': True, 'assetref': '49-266-4701', 'units': Decimal('1.00000000'), 'issuetxid': '5d1288bd2cd81f2e922dac0ad43cd596c36958a040802a0562a00baeb1b99cbd', 'confirmed': 2, 'details': {}, 'issueqty': Decimal('100.00000000'), 'synchronized': True}, {'multiple': 1000, 'name': 'coin', 'subscribed': False, 'issueraw': 100000, 'issueqty': Decimal('100.00000000'), 'details': {}, 'open': True, 'assetref': None, 'units': Decimal('0.00100000'), 'issuetxid': 'b1c750b01e07b2830857ca0869609172a3c2af5d210c9203bbccbe9793524851'}]
>>> client.subscribe('coin')
>>> client.listassets()
[{'multiple': 1, 'name': 'usd', 'subscribed': True, 'issueraw': 100, 'transactions': 2, 'open': True, 'assetref': '49-266-4701', 'units': Decimal('1.00000000'), 'issuetxid': '5d1288bd2cd81f2e922dac0ad43cd596c36958a040802a0562a00baeb1b99cbd', 'confirmed': 2, 'details': {}, 'issueqty': Decimal('100.00000000'), 'synchronized': True}, {'multiple': 1000, 'name': 'coin', 'subscribed': True, 'issueraw': 100000, 'transactions': 1, 'open': True, 'assetref': '82-265-51121', 'units': Decimal('0.00100000'), 'issuetxid': 'b1c750b01e07b2830857ca0869609172a3c2af5d210c9203bbccbe9793524851', 'confirmed': 1, 'details': {}, 'issueqty': Decimal('100.00000000'), 'synchronized': True}]
>>> client.getaddressbalances(recv)
>>> client.getaddressbalances(sender)
[{'qty': Decimal('99.00000000'), 'name': 'usd', 'assetref': '49-266-4701'}, {'qty': Decimal('100.00000000'), 'name': 'coin', 'assetref': '82-265-51121'}]

>>> unsigned_tx = client.createrawsendfrom(sender, {recv: {'coin': 1}})
>>> signed_tx = client.signrawtransaction(unsigned_tx, [], [privKey])

>>> client.sendrawtransaction(signed_tx['hex'])
>>> client.getaddressbalances(sender)
[{'qty': Decimal('99.00000000'), 'name': 'usd', 'assetref': '49-266-4701'}]
>>> client.getaddressbalances(recv)
>>> client.getaddresstransaction(sender, 'ccff914658d22df42e0670efefd7c060f503eb25950fb7a6ba3a0aac3df61699')
{'txid': 'ccff914658d22df42e0670efefd7c060f503eb25950fb7a6ba3a0aac3df61699', 'data': [], 'blockhash': '00f2dc469d724df30d2d6ccae0f985c597afd5ec6d6b9e281c016e5f605e700e', 'permissions': [], 'blocktime': 1585239994, 'myaddresses': ['1JQhqDyovkEz4DNe7W23dy2otpJFcxFJof'], 'time': 1585239978, 'valid': True, 'items': [], 'blockindex': 1, 'addresses': ['1FpVFMAnkWeEFwRtCQTaXZ4ewymJEH1peR'], 'timereceived': 1585239978, 'balance': {'assets': [{'qty': Decimal('-1.00000000'), 'name': 'coin', 'assetref': '82-265-51121'}], 'amount': Decimal('0E-8')}, 'confirmations': 11}
asked Mar 26, 2020 by mina

1 Answer

0 votes

The most likely issue is that the receiving address is not being tracked by this node's wallet. Try using importaddress to change that. Note also that you should pass a value of 0 in the minconf parameter of the getaddressbalances API if you want to see the incoming funds immediately, before the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain.

answered Mar 26, 2020 by MultiChain