Problem in the Multichain web demo

+1 vote

 I have followed all the steps for running the multichain web demo. 
 But I'm getting an error on the 1st page i.e. Error 401 Unauthorized.
 Could you please tell me the possible reason for this?
 Things that I have done:
 1- kept the Multichain node ready :  chain_1@
 2- In multichain.conf file, I have added the following line:
 3- In config.txt, I have the following lines:            
 I have assigned 5768 to default.rpcport because in params.dat I see the following lines:
 default-network-port = 5769 
 default-rpc-port = 5768
 I really don't know what else has to be done. Could you please help me out?


Thank You!

asked Aug 20, 2018 by Sushree

1 Answer

0 votes

The rpcallowip parameter should not be provided in square brackets.

If your web server and MultiChain node are on the same server, you can also consider setting default.rpchost= and then you don't need anything special for rpcallowip in the node configuration.

answered Aug 21, 2018 by MultiChain