Rpc calls in same chain but different servers nodes

+2 votes
Hi team,

The question is simple: how i make rpc calls to different
 Node servers of the same chain?

Today i only make rpc calls to Master node.

Best regards !
asked May 14, 2018 by Dsouza

1 Answer

+1 vote

If I understand correctly you have to pass the IP and PORT to the rpc call.

something like: -port=10255 -rpcport=10254 

if so then you have to also put this information inside multichain.conf file so the file contents would be something like:


I am not sure if this is what you were looking for so apologies if I am wrong here :)




answered May 15, 2018 by kgiannis
Thank you for the quick answer, yes! But i forget one detail, every node access multichain over localhost, change the ports says to RPC the call is remote.

My layer is installed with multichain.
You have let's say 5 nodes on your network, each one started with the -daemon command (e.g. multichaind chain0 -daemon)

Upon each start you got the message like the following:
Other nodes can connect to this node using:
multichaind chain0@

so you got the IP and PORT for each one of the five nodes.
are you using curl? or a client (eg Java client)
i am on a windows pc so I would type something like the following:
multichain-cli chain0 -rpcuser=<username> -rpcpassword=<password> -rpcconnect= -rpcport=10254 getinfo

can you try that?
Thank you ! The error is all mine.

solution: for every node i've created an layer to extends some multichain features, running directly in localhost, the error was the git Branch... o__o

best regards !
Glad you worked it out!
Regards :)