Multiple miner addresses on a single node

+1 vote

If a singlenode has multiple addresses with mining permission, does mining work like normal?

Do all addresses on this node take part in the mining process?

How is an address chosen if more than one address is able to mine the next block on a single node (e.g. because of mining-diversity settings)?



asked Apr 26, 2018 by Alexoid

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Yes, it still works in this case. If more than one of the node's addresses can mine the next block, an address is chosen randomly from that set.
answered Apr 26, 2018 by MultiChain
selected Apr 26, 2018 by Alexoid
Just for more clarity

Lets say mining diversity is set to 1,so that it's pure round robin, and there and two nodes.

Node A has two addresses with mining permissions, lets say A1, A2
Node B has one address with mining permissions, B1

In this case, how does mining work? Can two addresses from the same node follow each other?

Like A1, A2, B1, A2, A1, B1 etc

Or is it A1, B1, A2, B1 (where An is random)

I guess what I'm trying to confirm is whether it's round Robin mining between addresses or nodes?
It's definitely round-robin between addresses, and not nodes. The rules of a blockchain don't distinguish between nodes, since it's possible for one node to have multiple addresses, and for one address to be shared by multiple nodes.