How to get total transaction, total input and total output

+2 votes
Hello multichain dev,

I want create explorer multichain explorer like, but i confused how to get total transaction, total input and total output asset transaction on multichain address.


asked Feb 25, 2018 by apasiboy

1 Answer

+2 votes
You would need to build your own index of transactions on the chain in order to calculate this kind of summary information for all addresses. You might find the MultiChain Explorer a good place to start:
answered Feb 26, 2018 by MultiChain
I have create my own explorer with php, i can calculate manual by sum quantity on every transaction with api listaddresstransaction, but if there api to get total transaction will very helpfull..
I'm afraid there's no API like this at the moment in MultiChain.
Okey thank you..