Couldn't connect to server

+1 vote
I tried to give persmission to the second as specified in the documentation by command

"multichain-cli chain1 grant 1****** connect,send,receive"

but i get an error stating: MultiChain server starting
Retrieving blockchain parameters from the seed node  ...
Blockchain successfully initialized.

Please ask blockchain admin or user having activate permission to let you connect and/or transact:
multichain-cli chain1 grant ********* connect
multichain-cli chain1 grant ********   connect,send,receive

2)After that when i go to Interactive mode by multichain-cli chain1
and write basic commands like getinfo on 2nd server it shows "Couldn't connect to server"
asked Jan 17, 2018 by Ali

1 Answer

0 votes
You need to grant the permissions to the second node after finding out its address. So it looks like you may have the order of the first two items the wrong way round.

The reason you get a "can't connect to server" error is because the second node didn't start up yet, because it did not have permissions to connect to the chain.
answered Jan 19, 2018 by MultiChain
Did that, but again the same error is coming. What should be done??