ERROR: Couldn't initialize permission database for blockchain BeRichCoin.

+1 vote
Thank you for your answer. I have the same datadir, but I changed multichain.conf by adding "default-rpc-port=7222". The command is on the second CMD (on the same PC): multichaind BeRichCoin@ -datadir=C:\Thinapp\Portable\Multichain-windows-2.0-alpha-1 -rpcport 7222

IO error: C:\Thinapp\Portable\Multichain-windows-2.0-alpha-1\BeRichCoin\permissions.db\MANIFEST-000002: De ingang is ongeldig.
ERROR: Couldn't initialize permission database for blockchain BeRichCoin. Probably multichaind for this blockchain is already running. Exiting...

Best regards,
asked Jan 12, 2018 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes

You cannot use the same datadir on the same computer for two running copies of MultiChain on the same chain.

answered Jan 12, 2018 by MultiChain