Is there a dedicated bug report email address?

+1 vote
I'm running through the documentation to work on my own nodejs library. I found a few typos so far. Is there a dedicated bug report email address where I can keep you guys updated if something seems out of the ordinary?

The typo that I ran into that triggered this thought was the follow:
When I bring up the documentation about "preparelockunspent" the second argument says the following:

(boolean, optiona, default=true) Lock prepared unspent output

See the typo? it says optiona instead of optional
asked Nov 12, 2017 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
Thanks for asking! Generally bugs get reported here but it might not be so suitable if you have a long list of these types of things that you're putting together. So you can also email it to multichain dot debug at gmail.
answered Nov 13, 2017 by MultiChain