Retrive long data from stream

+2 votes

Hi all
I save image on stream, but im notice that its an transaccion object than hex code, how can i recover data from this.


I solve this with...

gettxoutdatatxid vout
Returns the data embedded in output vout of transaction txid, in hexadecimal. This is particularly useful if a stream item’s data is larger than the maxshowndataruntime parameter. Use the count-bytes and start-byte parameters to retrieve part of the data only.


multigame: liststreamkeyitems filesystem /imgs/happy.jpg false 1 -1

        "publishers" : [
        "key" : "/imgs/happy.jpg",
        "data" : {
            "txid" : "04471bd53ba7dc4950c0b44d4a7dd171017dea2539d1e8beb6fbe71a7f0dde47",
            "vout" : 0,
            "size" : 27388
        "confirmations" : 11,
        "blocktime" : 1499875292,
        "txid" : "04471bd53ba7dc4950c0b44d4a7dd171017dea2539d1e8beb6fbe71a7f0dde47"

asked Jul 12, 2017 by seyacat

1 Answer

+1 vote

Glad you solved it. The maxshowndata runtime parameter can control the threshold for whether the full data is displayed in the transaction details, and it can be modified via the API using setruntimeparam.

answered Jul 12, 2017 by MultiChain