How does block size relate to transaction volume?

+2 votes

I see that there has been yet another significant improvement in the amount of tps (transactions per second) with MultiChain 1.0 beta 2. How, if at all, does the size of a block affect tps? In my case, each transaction will likely be fairly small. However, I expect a very high volume of transactions overall, likely numbering in the tens of millions. As such, I'm trying to understand the relationship between each block and tps, as I'm still unclear about that.

Additionally, is the tps per node? Or does that value represent the tps across the entire network?


asked Jun 26, 2017 by rbumbury
edited Nov 2, 2017 by rbumbury

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The tps is across the entire network, since every node processes every transaction.

The average size of a block is the product of three factors:

average-transaction-size × average-transactions-per-second × target-block-time

So you should make sure that your block size limit is big enough for this multiple, probably ×2 again to provide some room for peak activity times.
answered Jun 27, 2017 by MultiChain
selected Jun 27, 2017 by rbumbury
Thank you. It certainly makes decision making a lot easier during development knowing there is a finite number of transactions per day/per blockchain, and that's disk space requirements will be calculable after some testing.