I was hacked!

+2 votes

Hi! At first everything worked fine, connected 3 nodes and everything was correct, Out of nowhere on the main server I get this error: 

ERROR: reading configuration file: the options configuration file contains an invalid line 'U KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.'
error: No credentials found for chain "<name>"

You must set rpcpassword=<password> in the configuration file:



asked May 22, 2017 by miguelcas12

1 Answer

+2 votes
This sounds very strange and is unlikely to have occurred via MultiChain directly. Can you check your logs for who has logged into the server and from which IP addresses?
answered May 23, 2017 by MultiChain
I deleted the server and purchased another to start over. But now I have a new error:

Error Initializing block Database

It's weird, because this server is new...
Please post the multichaind output in full.
I've tried different servers, always the same error :(

Error initializing block database.

Please restart multichaind with reindex=1.

I used reindex=1 and work now