createfrom [from-address] upgrade [upgrade-name] false [new-params]

+1 vote

./multichain-cli.exe msis001 createfrom 1ApCtNaicZ6uYwtsoaZezPiR5ixSbmt6DJV1wz upgrade pow false {"pow-minimum-bits":9}

error code: -8
error message:
Invalid custom fields, expecting objec


When trying to change parameters, I am getting this error, Kindly suggest what I am missing, I tried the url  to reach to this point and now stucked. If an example is shared, it would help a lot

asked Mar 17, 2022 by zee

1 Answer

0 votes

First, because you are on Windows, you need to escape on the command line differently,. So on Windows the command would be:

multichain-cli.exe msis001 createfrom 1ApCtNaicZ6uYwtsoaZezPiR5ixSbmt6DJV1wz upgrade pow false "{\"pow-minimum-bits\":9}"

Second, please note that the pow-minimum-bits parameter is not upgradable. You can see the upgradable parameters labelled on this page:

answered Mar 17, 2022 by MultiChain
Thanks for the prompt response, and details related to the updaradable modules, and way to perform it