Overriding IP address

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Based on your previous suggestion, I was able to override the default ports to ensure that when multichaind is run in the first server (host VM instance), I see the message "Users can connect to this network by multichaind chain_name@IP ADDRESS:1234", where 1234 is an example overridden port number.

When I try entering this command on a second server (running as a separate vm instance), I get the following error: "Couldn't connect to the seed node IP ADDRESS on port 1234 - please check mutlichain is running on that address and that your firewall settings allow incoming connections".

I have enabled all the firewall settings on my host linux based machine and both servers are showing up as running VM instances. Do you have any suggestions? Should I be overriding the IP Address as well? If so, would enabling the parameter rpcallowip help?
related to an answer for: Port configuration for multichain
asked Nov 7, 2015 by skarred14

1 Answer

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First, FYI the rpcallowip parameter is related to JSON-RPC API requests to a specific node, so it doesn't affect the peer-to-peer blockchain protocol.

The problem is almost definitely related to your firewall or VM configuration so it's hard for us to give a definitive answer. You need to have a different IP address set up for each VM instance, so that each can communicate with the other. If you've done this successfully, you should be able to use telnet to at least establish that one instance can talk to the other, on the right port.

For example the equivalent test for a node on the bitcoin network would be:

telnet seed.bitcoin.sipa.be 8333

answered Nov 8, 2015 by MultiChain