stream data location in linux

+1 vote
May i know where is the stream data stored in .multichain file in linux after i create and publish stream??
asked Jan 10, 2017 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes

The stream data is inside the transactions inside the blocks, which are stored in the blocks directory inside your blockchain's directory. It is also indexed in various ways in other places, depending on whether your node is subscribed to the stream or not.

answered Jan 10, 2017 by MultiChain
May i know what is the file extension type? is the data stored in plaintext form which is viewable?
No, it's a proprietary binary format (well not exactly proprietary - it's the same as used in Bitcoin Core), so the stream data is inside in binary form. If you want to view it, it's easiest to do so with the MultiChain API. Or you can also take a look at the MultiChain Explorer which reads some blockchain data from disk.