Multichain and Raspberri PI

+5 votes
Hello MC

I am planning to install mobile nodes on some buses , each bus will become a multichain node and I was wondering if you have some advice about multichain running on some raspberry PI devices? Is there any succesful test on this low price units?

Thanks in advance.

asked May 31, 2020 by davotrade

1 Answer

+1 vote
We don't officially support Raspberry Pi but we know several users have successfully compiled and run MultiChain on 64-bit Pis without problems.
answered Jun 2, 2020 by MultiChain
Hi, any links who managed this? I still have the issue to get v8engine on the raspberry4 64bit compiled, which I think is needed by multichain 2.
Bring this post up again. Interested to hear if the Pi 4 is supported or to know if anyone has successfully compiled on a raspberry?