Issuemore and edit custom asset metadata

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Consider a scenario where there are two nodes connected and running multichain servers. Say, node 1 (admin node) issues an asset, asset1, to node 2 with custom attributes and corresponding values. Node 2 sends back the asset to node 1 as a transaction based on the same asset with update instructions to correct the asset metadata.

At this point, is it possible to use the issuemore API call, to re-issue the same asset to node 2, with 0 or a set denominational value, with edited/updated values for the existing attribute(s)?
asked Apr 5, 2016 by skarred14

1 Answer

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Yes, the original issuer can issue follow-on units for an asset, and it is possible to issue 0 asset units in that follow-on, so its only purpose is to provide updated metadata fields. These will be visible if listassets is called with verbose=true.

answered Apr 6, 2016 by MultiChain