sendtoaddress command

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How can I use the command sendtoaddress to create a transaction with two or more assets as inputs ?

I'm getting the following error when using this command:

multichain-cli chain1 sendtoaddress 17wNpqt9HRH8DfeRbM8yVjk3rKf42X2A6HGTcb {"a1":8,"a2":16}

error: Error parsing JSON:a1:8
asked Apr 5, 2016 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes

You just need to put that JSON string in single quotes, so it's passed as a single parameter:

multichain-cli chain1 sendtoaddress 17wNpqt9HRH8DfeRbM8yVjk3rKf42X2A6HGTcb '{"a1":8,"a2":16}'

answered Apr 5, 2016 by MultiChain