Asset creation and validation

+1 vote
I am trying to create a basic validation system for trade management using multichain, One of the questions that pops up is the ability to add attributes to an asset.

Based on the documentation, a node, say the issuer, can create an asset with added fields, such as customer and counterparty and sends the asset to another node, say, a validator node. Validator node effectively ensures some preliminary validation logic to ensure that the trade is valid.

At this point, is it possible for validator to add more fields and send back the updated asset to issue?

Alternatively, if issuer creates fields with empty values and sends the asset to the validator, can the validator populate the empty fields for the asset and send back the updated asset to the issuer?
asked Feb 24, 2016 by skarred14

1 Answer

+1 vote

Thanks for this question. For now it's not possible to modify the fields as they are displayed by the listassets API. However in terms of what's actually stored in the chain, any metadata can be added to a transaction (see sendwithmetadata) and this could include the extra data to be attached to that asset.

Also please note that the next release of MultiChain will allow follow-on issuances of an asset, together with additional custom fields that are displayed by listassets. So it would be possible for the original issuer to add extra fields in such a follow-on issuance, but while only creating zero units, to achieve the kind of effect you're looking for. But this information would be added by the original issuer rather than a different validator.

answered Feb 24, 2016 by MultiChain
Thanks for the response. With regards to the follow on issuance, when the original issuer creates additional fields with say zero units or blank values; would it be possible for the validator to update the additional fields?
Not directly, the issuer would have to do it. But there's nothing preventing the validator sending this information to the issuer as the metadata in a signed transaction (containing zero assets), so the issuer will have proof that the values were approved by the validator, and anyone can see if they're modifying them.