Node to node connection failes

+1 vote

I was trying to create new node - node4 on blockchain1 server ( by retrieving
blockchain parameters from the seed node (node6), which is on different
server - blockchain2 (
When I try to connect to it I get following error:

[nprnic@blockchain1 ~]$ multichaind nchain1@ -datadir=/home/nprnic/node4 -rpcport=8370 –port=8371
MultiChain Core Daemon build 1.0 alpha 15 protocol 10003
Retrieving blockchain parameters from the seed node ...
Error: Couldn't connect to the seed node on port 8369 - please check multichaind is running at that address and that your firewall settings allow incoming connections.

Node6 is up and running and I can do getinfo without any issues and the firewall is disabled:

Using username "root".
Last login: Mon Feb 22 11:24:19 2016 from
[root@blockchain2 ~]# systemctl status firewalld
● firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)
[root@blockchain2 ~]#

Is there anything else that may cause node6 not to be accessable to node4?
asked Feb 23, 2016 by Nenad P.

1 Answer

0 votes

It may be the wrong IP address, if that is just the local IP address but there's another globally accessible one. Try ifconfig -a to list all IP addresses and substitute in the node address instead of

Could still be a firewall issue and you can try connecting to the port over telnet to check.

answered Feb 23, 2016 by MultiChain