Transferring streams from one node to other.

+1 vote
Hi MultiChain,

I have two nodes , One is Admin node and other is the Child Nodes and the child node is runining on Admin Node.

I created a stream on Admin node like this:

multichain-cli create stream customer-details true {\"Name\":"\NewUser\",\"Age\":\"24\"}

And somehow I got the transaction id as the success response. after creating the stream , I subscribed it to that node and then published also.

But My requirement is that I want to transfer these customer details from one node to other node.

How can I proceed on this requirement ?

Should I treat this as an asset or stream ?

can you please provide a solution or some cli commands with synatx on how I can transfer these customer details from One node to another node ?

Appreciate your help !

Thanks in Advance.
asked Apr 12, 2018 by ss_developer

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

You just need to subscribe to the stream on any other node, then you can retrieve data from the stream using APIs like liststreamitems or liststreamkeyitems.

answered Apr 13, 2018 by MultiChain
selected Apr 16, 2018 by ss_developer