Raw txns from outside the network

+1 vote

MultiChain looks very promising and I think about using it for a larger project!

Is it possible for someone who is not running a node to send raw transactions into the network? The idea is to have a permissioned network of nodes that verify transactions, but it should be possible for anyone to create a keypair and send/receive assets.

Thanks for your answers:)
asked Mar 8, 2018 by Piero

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, this is certainly possible. You need to set up an SPV wallet/client that holds private keys, connects to the network and sends/receives transactions, but does not act as a full verifying node. A good place to start is an open source bitcoin SPV wallet, since MultiChain uses bitcoin's peer-to-peer protocol and transaction format.

Are you looking to run this as a mobile app, and if so on Android or iOS?
answered Mar 8, 2018 by MultiChain
Ok, great, thanks for your advice..
As a first step, this will be a web app, but it is probable that in the future there will be a mobile app for ios and android.
If it's a web app, you can run a MultiChain node on the web server, and submit externally built raw transactions to that using sendrawtransaction.