Multichain consensus roundrobin

+1 vote
I read that mining part of multichain blockchain white paper. It used round robin which possible to adjust by multichain parameter from genesis block.
My question is : Is the round robin consensus is crash tolerant, or byzantine fault tolerant at all ? I read Rafle consensus, it looks so similar to the one that multichain introduce, by voting, but is it not crash tolerant or byzantine fault tolerant at all.
asked Jan 23, 2018 by veyhong

1 Answer

0 votes
MultiChain is tolerant to a maliciously misbehaving (minority of) nodes, rather than only tolerant to crashes. It is not tolerant to a global network-level attack in which the network as a whole is manipulating message timing. I won't use the term "Byzantine Fault Tolerant" because in an academic setting this is generally intended to include tolerance against network-level timing attacks, but in a practical sense it is indeed secure in this way.
answered Jan 23, 2018 by MultiChain
As I know a maliciously misbehaving node is Byzantine node. Thus this mean that multichain consensus is Byzantine tolerant ?
Yes, it is tolerant to maliciously misbehaving nodes. But in the academic literature, "Byzantine Fault Tolerance" covers additional scenarios, including global network-level timing attacks. If you apply this stringent criterion, bitcoin's consensus algorithm is also not formally BFT.