RPC connection failure

+1 vote

I have implemented a Proof of existence using multichain,libphp-multichain  and AWS, I successfully implemented it and run it locally using XAMMP but when I tried to host it online using GoDaddy web hosting service I'm getting a  RPC connection failure exception. I did change rpcallowip to the hosting server's IP. Still Im getting the error. please help 






asked Dec 13, 2017 by afsal.music

1 Answer

+1 vote

First, please ensure you restarted the node after changing the rpcallowip setting.

Second, there may well be some firewall which is preventing the incoming API requests. You should talk to GoDaddy about this – I suspect they don't just let you run any executable in a shared web hosting environment, and you might need a cloud instance instead.

answered Dec 13, 2017 by MultiChain
I did restart the node after rpcallowip

secondly, the incoming api are not sent to the GoDaddy, they are sent to the could instance in AWS which is where the node resides. I use GoDaddy's web hosting for the front end only.

one more thing, I even tried running it on some other PC locally using XAMMP and changed the corresponding IP in rpcallowip and restarted still it doesn't seem to work. it happens to work only on my PC on my IP address, do I have to change any permission setting or something? any solution?
It could be that the function or library you are using in your front end to make the API requests is not working. For example some PHP functions to access remote servers are disabled by default. Check in your web servers about this.

It could also be that the AWS instance has firewalls set up, on the operating system level (try iptables) or as part of the server configuration. You need to ensure that the port used for incoming API requests is open for listening and receiving.