error: Node didn't shut down normally, performing recovery

+4 votes
I am getting this message after starting daemon for chain


Starting up node...

Other nodes can connect to this node using:
multichaind chainx@

This host has multiple IP addresses, so from some networks:
multichaind chainx@
multichaind chainx@
multichaind chainx@
multichaind chainx@
multichaind chainx@
multichaind chainx@
multichaind chainx@

Listening for API requests on port 9542 (local only - see rpcallowip setting)

Node didn't shut down normally, performing recovery

Node ready.


then, I tried to publish items on streams using publishCommand (in python language)

But after inserting some items, I got this message:-


returncode: 1
b'error: Could not connect to the server\n\nMake sure the multichaind server is running and that you are connecting to the correct RPC port.\n'


I don't understand why it stopped suddenly. Also, I noticed, the number of items published on stream kept on increasing when the same command was re-run. it is like the total duration of node running time (before stopping) increases each time
asked Feb 18, 2023 by anju

1 Answer

0 votes

If the node is crashing in your particular situation then that is a bug we need to look into. Please start by telling me which version you are running, and looking at the recent lines in the debug.log file in the blockchain directory to see if there's any hint about the cause.

answered Feb 19, 2023 by MultiChain
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