Does multichain supports permissioned asset transactions

+1 vote

If we imagine three actors A,B,C on multichain.

A - Permission to Issue, Send and Receive

B - Send and Receive

C - Send and Receive


1) A issues ASSET1

2) B wallet creates new addresses as nominee's on the node

3) C wallet creates new addresses as nominee's on the node

4) B and C trades the ASSET1

Is it possible to hide B's nominee balances to C and C's nominee balances to B? Please suggest. Using streams for this can be achieved, but the built in transactions, issue, reissue, balances need to written off chain.
asked Oct 11, 2017 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
No, I'm afraid it's not currently possible to hide activity on the chain from the chain's participants. The best you can do is accept that B and C do not know who each others' nominees are, but they can still see the balances and transactions performed for each address.
answered Oct 12, 2017 by MultiChain